Sunday, October 1, 2017

Rockabye Baby! Albums

Rockabye Baby! Albums
Author: Baby Rock Records
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Reviewer: Denise Z.
Cover image for Rockabye baby! Lullaby renditions of Led Zeppelin
Summary: The Rockabye Baby! albums use the familiar songs parents love by their favorite artists and turn them into calming instrumental-only lullabies that are kid-friendly. They have more than 50 renditions to choose from including the Beatles, Beach Boys, Green Day, and Nirvana.

Review: Any Rockabye Baby! album would make a great addition to your child’s music collection. Parents get to enjoy their favorite songs by their favorite artists with their kids without having to worry about the music sounding too harsh or the lyrics being inappropriate, as it is all instrumental and transformed into a light, soothing lullaby. This is also a great way to introduce your child to your music and avoid some of the children’s music you can’t stand or heard a million times already. It’s also interesting to hear a song you love turned into a pretty lullaby. Some of my favorite Rockabye Baby! albums include their lullabies made from Journey, Elvis, and the Beach Boys.

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