Friday, March 8, 2013

The Fault in Our Stars

The Fault in Our Stars

Author: John Green
Rating: 5/5 Stars
Reviewer: Lydia

    The Fault in Our Stars is a quiet winner; it’s sheer genius sneaks up on you halfway through the book when you find yourself making excuses to take the long way home so you can listen to the story unfold on audiobook in your car (I admit I’m guilty of this). It has been a long time since two characters have appealed to me so much.

    Simply put, Hazel Lancaster and Augustus Waters have cancer. But they are so much more than that; they are young, in love, and painfully aware of life and all its opportunities. They live in a hyper-real state of awareness about life, death, and immortality, and they must navigate and discover how teenager-y things like community college and learning to drive fits into the equation. 

    John Green’s writing is superb, and the characters jump to life through a masterful mix of humor, sarcasm, wit, and energy. While the book is classified as a young adult novel, I believe that people of all ages would benefit from reading this book. While I can only award this book five stars, be prepared for a stunningly good story—oh, and bring lots of tissues.

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